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SEBI Mutual Fund Recategorization

Writer's picture: SMFSSMFS

As of 1st June 2018, SEBI has de-cluttered mutual funds by laying down clear guidelines on their re-categorization. To know how it impacts you as an investor, here are the details.

SEBI has defined 5 clear groups to classify all the schemes. They are :

  1. Equity Schemes –These will have 10 categories and will invest in equity and equity related instruments.

  2. Debt Schemes –These will have 16 categories and will invest in debt instruments.

  3. Hybrid Schemes – These will have 6 categories and  will invest in a mix of equity, debt and other assets related instruments.

  4. Solution Oriented Schemes – Thesewill have schemes like retirement schemes or children savings scheme and there will be a 5 year lock-in period for them.

  5. Other Schemes –These will have index funds, sectoral funds, fund-of-funds and ETFs

And the best part is that a fund house is allowed to have only 1 type of scheme in each sub-category.

Only exceptions that are allowed are in case of:

  • Index Funds – can have as many schemes as there are indices.

  • Fund-of-Funds

  • Sectoral/Thematic funds– can have as many schemes as there are sectors.


  • Large Caps– to invest at least 80% in large caps

  • Large & Mid Caps– at least 35% each in large caps and mid caps

  • Mid Caps– at least 65% in mid caps

  • Small Caps– at least 65% in small caps

  • Multi Caps– at least 65% in equities & no market-cap wise restriction

  • Dividend Yield– at least 65% in equities but in dividend yielding stocks

  • Value/Contra– at least 65% in equities & a fund house can either offer a value fund or a contra fund but not both

  • Focused– at least 65% in equities and can only have a maximum of 30 stocks

  • Sectoral/Thematic– at least 80% in chosen sector stocks

  • ELSS (Equity Linked Savings Scheme)

Note :

Large Cap: 1st -100th company in terms of full market capitalization

Mid Cap: 101st -250th company in terms of full market capitalization

Small Cap: 251st company onwards in terms of full market capitalization



  • Overnight Funds –holding portfolio with maturity of up to 1 day

  • Liquid Funds –holding portfolio with maturity of up to 91 days

  • Ultra-Short Duration –holding portfolio with maturity of 3-6 months

  • Low Duration –holding portfolio with maturity of 6-12 months

  • Money Market –holding portfolio of money market instruments with maturity of up to 1 year

  • Short Duration –holding portfolio with maturity of 1-3 years

  • Medium Duration –holding portfolio with maturity of 3-4 years

  • Medium to Long Duration –holding portfolio with maturity of 4-7 years

  • Long Duration –holding portfolio with maturity of more than 7 years

  • Dynamic Bond –can invest across durations

  • Corporate Bond –at least 80% in corporate bonds (AA+ & above)

  • Credit Risk Fund –at least 65% in corporate bonds below AA

  • Banking and PSU –at least 80% in instruments issued by banks, PSU undertakings, municipal corporations, etc.

  • Gilt –at least 80% in instruments issued by government across periods

  • Gilt with 10-year Constant Duration –at least 80% in instruments issued by government across periods such that the average maturity is 10 years

  • Floater –at least 65% in floating rate instruments


  • Conservative Hybrid Funds– 10 to 25% equity allocation

  • Balanced Hybrid Funds – 40 to 65% equity allocation

  • Aggressive Hybrid Funds– 65 to 80% equity allocation

  • Dynamic Asset Allocation – can vary without restrictions

  • Multi-Asset Funds – invest in at least 3 assets with a minimum of 10% in each

  • Arbitrage Funds – arbitrage strategy with a minimum 65% equity allocation

  • Equity Savings – a minimum of 65% in equity and 10% in debt


  • Choosing between mutual funds is easier than ever as they are clearly categorised.

  • You can now choose from a much smaller number of schemes as they are de-cluttered.

  • Comparing schemes can be done in a better manner.

  • You need not worry about change in the mandate of the fund in the future since the categories and sub-categories are now clearly


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